Non Conformity Research Paper

Words: 437
Pages: 2

The difference in societal norms in 1959 compared to 2017 are extraordinarily different. These societal changes occurred not only in the school system, but in the world itself. These significant modifications which are still present today really demonstrate how strict and formal society used to be. Conforming to certain standards were very important and still are today. However we have more of a problem with non-conformity as our country grows. Conforming is a debatable issue nowadays as of how modernized our society is. The citizens of our country preach self-love, respect and expression, leaving conformity almost behind throughout the years. Back in the 50s, conformity and conservatism were the key to success. Children were sent to the office to be punished for the simplest mistake, resulting in that generation to conform and learn those set standards. Although a few writers and entrepreneurs back then …show more content…
Music artists and other authoritative figures from that generation began to represent non-conformity, influencing those growing up to rebel against major standards. Others began to pick up on this opposition, creating a new phase. This lead to the age of rebellion and riot, creating a mass national redesign on the outlook of conformity. Thus began the variations to alter harsh, dull societal rules and to bring out freedom and expression, which are a considerable part of our society today. One strong scene in Dead Poet’s Society that represented the conservative society in that time was the scene about “conformity in action”. Mr. Keating instructed the three boys to simply walk-- fast or slow, whatever they preferred.They began to walk out of step then after a little time had passed by, began to walk in step. Mr. Keating addressed this as a type of conformity and to not fall into its trap. He stressed to the boys to be different and to express their innovative