Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Case Study

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Pages: 5

2.1.3 Nurses knowledge of Non-pharmacological pain management techniques (NPPMT)
After a successful thorough assessment of pain the information obtained by the nurse is directed towards achieving the goal of managing the pain (O’Connel Smeltzer & Bare, 2004). Most times patients may have a little or no understanding of their condition hence the assumption that their pain is either untreatable or not self limiting, but with detailed explanation of the cause and duration of patient pain, it might help them improve their coping mechanism even when other interventions are not available (Size, Soyannwo, & Justins, 2007).
With Children an excellent way of treating their pain is by avoiding the pain, however this is often not possible therefore, the treatment aim is to lower the level of pain, anxiety, fear and helplessness so as to provide them with a sense of autonomy and
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The nurses have also revealed the use of position changes most of the times to aid in managing patients pain, 72% of them have also reported use of message therapy in pain management. According to another study by Seldon (2016) nurses’ seldomely make use of TENS, thermoregulatory therapy and hypnosis to relief patient’s pain. Generally nurses use of non-pharmacological methods in managing patients pain is very low however, the commonest used methods reported by them are cognitive-behavioral therapy, distraction, helping with activities of daily living and positioning (Demir, 2012). Some nurses have reported use of music therapy at some point in their practice to relief pain (Kwekkeboom et al., 2008). Previous researchers have reported knowledge gap with regard to a detailed explanation of nurses’ use of NPPMT and their application to care for specific conditions or symptoms (Svendson & Bjork,