Nonconformity Vs Non Conformity

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Pages: 4

Conformity vs Non-Conformity Almost everywhere you go you will find people that conform to the rules of society, but there are also those types of people that don’t want to conform to society, and they want to express themselves in their own unique way. A good example of a person that conforms to society is Boxer, who is a hard working horse in the book “Animal Farm” by George Orwell . A good example of a nonconformist is Malcolm X who was a civil rights activist and minister. As Boxer conforms and as Malcolm X non-conforms they are both getting positive and negative outcomes because of how conformity and nonconformity act like a double edged sword in which you get hurt no matter what you do. In the book “Animal Farm” Boxer is …show more content…
Malcolm X is a famous nonconformist that had many advantages. Malcolm X gained a lot of attention because of the way in which he deferred to the people around him in his time. With this attention he gained many followers to his own cause and he in some way gained the respect of many people. He was “articulate, passionate and a naturally gifted and an inspirational orator.” he exhorted blacks to cast off the shackles of racism "by any means necessary," including violence. Such militant proposals—a violent revolution to establish an independent black nation—won Malcolm X large numbers of followers as well as many fierce critics.”( This shows how because of the way in which he was different, and the way in which he was spreading this new way of thinking, he gained many …show more content…
He was assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam, which was a group in which he took part in, but after several differences he decided to leave and decided to change his way of thinking. Because of this there were several death threats he was receiving from members of the Nation of Islam. “On February 21, 1965, at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan, where Malcolm X was about to deliver a speech, three gunmen rushed the stage and shot him 15 times at point blank range. Malcolm X was pronounced dead ... he was 39 years old. The three men convicted of the assassination of Malcolm X were all members of the Nation of Islam: Talmadge Hayer, Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson”( Malcolm X was assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam because he wanted to change, and he wanted a new way of