The movie “North Shore” directed by ( ) in 1987, is one the popular surf related movies among surfers and non-surfers in America. The movie focuses on the relationship between the non-locals, the kooks, and the locals of the island. Rick the kook, the main character, is presented as a white American boy from Arizona who comes to North Shore in Hawaii with a very limited knowledge of Hawaii, ocean, and surfing in real ocean and has to get exposed to the harsh reality of the surf culture in North Shore. Rick is a representation of the non-local surfers in Hawaii who bring the danger with themselves with their lack of information about the surrounding of the island. The movie brings out a few key points about the surf culture and how locals, specifically the group called “Haui”, treat the other surfers and the way the media portray this relationship is mostly with a little of the violent and danger. Even though the films and the media usually used the extreme to show this relation, it helped the locals and the surfers to come to an understanding and the localism has decrease in a lot of major surf sites such as the Big island, North Shore and in coastal California. The fact is that the Hawaiian locals are protective of their culture and surfing is one of their ancient tradition that allows them to connect with the ocean away from land’s problems and what they do to protect and secure their surf culture might appears as violent through the media and the