Alternatives Journal, ProQuest “Enbridge Too Far”). The First Nations people of the West Coast are also opposing the building of the pipeline; which is understandable since the proposed route Enbridge has made for the pipeline crosses 64 First Nations Territories. One of the most frustrating factors for BC residents is that there is not one British Columbian on the pipelines review panel to represent the province. In order to have their voices heard, many BC residents have banded together to host a number of events where the pipeline is being protested. For example, just hours after the Northern Gateway Pipeline received federal approval, hundreds of people, including First Nations and environmental groups, rallied in downtown Vancouver and stated that British Columbia still says no to the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline. During the Vancouver rally the Grand Chief of the Union of B.C Indian Chiefs, Stewart Phillip, made the following statement to the enraged crowd of protesters "It's official. The war is on”