Nt1310 Exercise 2.1

Words: 903
Pages: 4

2.1.1. Firewall
Computers connected to communication networks, such as the Internet, are particularly vulnerable to electronic attack because so many people have access to them. These computers can be protected by using firewall computers or software placed between the networked computers and the network. The firewall examines, filters, and reports on all information passing through the network to ensure its appropriateness. These functions help prevent saturation of input capabilities that otherwise might deny usage to legitimate users, and they ensure that information received from an outside source is expected and does not contain computer viruses.

2.1.2. Access Control
The purpose of access controls is to authorize legitimate access by subjects to
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Passwords are confidential sequences of characters that allow approved persons to make use of specified computers, software, or information. To be effective, passwords must be difficult to guess and should not be found in dictionaries. Effective passwords contain a variety of characters and symbols that are not part of the alphabet. To thwart imposters, computer systems usually limit the number of attempts and restrict the time it takes to enter the correct password.
A more secure method is to require possession and use of tamper-resistant plastic cards with microprocessor chips, known as “smart cards,” which contain a stored password that automatically changes after each use. When a user logs on, the computer reads the card's password, as well as another password entered by the user, and matches these two respectively to an identical card password generated by the computer and the user's password stored in the computer in encrypted form. Use of passwords and 'smart cards' is beginning to be reinforced by biometrics, identification methods that use unique personal characteristics, such as fingerprints, retinal patterns, facial characteristics, or voice recordings.

2.1.7. Application