Morning routine – Evan is able to ID his first name. He opens his backpack up and puts folder in tub. He puts his lunch box in the cardboard box. He hangs up his backpack. Evan goes to the carpet to look at a book but he needs reminders to stay on the carpet as he likes to wonder around the room talking to the teachers or peers.
Circle Time – Evan sits criss cross on the carpet. He needs reminders to hold up his hand and wait to be called on if he wants to talk. He will sit for about 5 minutes before he starts to talk when the teacher is talking. He does get moved to yellow because of this which makes him lose 3 minutes of his recess time. He is able to answer most of the questions that his teacher asks him about the story. He is able to sing along with the songs at circle time but is only able to do about half of the motions. He does try to follow the …show more content…
He is able to tear paper with his pinchers but tires easily and needs encouragement to keep tearing. The teacher did not make him tear all the paper as he had enough torn to complete the flag. He does not hold a pencil correctly and will use four finger grasp. He is given a pom pom or a marker cap to place under his ring and pinky finger so that he has a tripod grasp. He was not able to stay in the lines when coloring a picture of a fish. He would use long straight strokes to color. He is able to copy a triangle and circle but not a