Nt1310 Unit 3

Words: 830
Pages: 4

1. Describe how the resting potential is created by the distribution of sodium and potassium ions.

 In the resting state, a sodium concentration gradient and electric field would influx (the entry of ions from the outside to the inside) whereas a potassium concentration gradient would efflux (the entry of ions from the inside to the outside)

 A resting neuron has more negative ions on the inside of the cell relative to the extracellular space around it, which has more positive ions. This phenomenon is known as the neuron’s resting membrane potential which sits at -70mv. One may question, “where does this charge come from?” To answer, on the outside of the resting neuron, there is a bunch of positively charged Na+ ions floating around
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However, on the inside of the resting neuron, there are many positively charged K+ ions. The Na+ sodium ions in the extracellular space outnumbers the K+ sodium ions in the intracellular space (K+ ions are also mixed with anion molecules that are present inside) which makes the intracellular space more negative on the inside than the outside. Also, since there are more positively charged Na+ ions outside the neurons than positively charged K+ ions inside, the cells interior has an overall negative charge. When a neuron has a negative membrane potential like this, it is said to be polarized. Overall, there is a dynamic equilibrium between the inside and the outside, which results in a resting membrane potential which is set at -70 mv for most neurons. There is an equilibrium because there is an uneven distribution of ions, or charged particles, between the inside and the outside of the cell and by the different permeability of the membrane to different …show more content…
It is a membrane associated protein where two K+ ions are pushed out of the membrane for every three Na+ ions that are pushed in . This creates a difference in the concentration of Na+ and K+ ions and a difference in charges which makes it more positive outside the neurons. In other words, as both electrical and a concentration gradients are created, the Na+ sodium ions in the extracellular space outnumbers the K+ sodium ions in the intracellular space (inside of the neuron is negative relative to the outside based on the number of anions present inside). A sodium-potassium pump is necessary for the inside of the neuron to become more negative relative to the outside of the neuron.

3. Describe how an action potential is started (how is the threshold of excitation reached at the axon