At first, I had no idea what to do when it came to saving the data for a game. I had to research what JSON files really were and how to implement within the libGDX environment. Luckily, libGDX had its own JSON reader and writer, so it simplified the process for me. I had to create a class that would contain the save data for the game, including the level the player was in, the keys the player had and their states, and the coordinates of the character. A new “SaveData” was created with these parameters when the game was saved as well as when the game was loaded. The JSON writer saved the file with the class data, and then would load it after reading the data from the file. The saved state would then be loaded onto the screen. This experience, along with the many others I learned while working on this project have enhanced my educational experience by allowing me to create something that I never would have been able to previously. That is why I see this project as a gateway into bigger