An attacker can identify vulnerabilities in the network; so as to protect proper network configurations should be ensured. There can be many sources of intrusion to a network such as using TCP/UDP 135139, and TCP/UDP 445.
Therefore, unused ports should be disabled so as to protect the network from attack.
There should be security policies and methods for securing wireless networks that are available in student lobby area. In order to secure network because of having public access, it has to be ensured that IP address should be denied in case if it is requesting for any research related work using internal resources. Various authentication and encryption methods should be used for securing wireless networks.
The above designed model meets all the requirements that are necessary for implementing network infrastructure and needs to be presented. On the basis of technical factors these above requirements are discussed below:
Physical Requirement Proposal Justification
Network Topology Combination of Star &Bus or Multiple star topologies are
School Building Computer Networking 8
Tree Topology integrated onto a