Next I would move the head plate down until it was flat on the top of their heads. I would check the measurement and then ask the person documenting to write the height. I first went to measure the seventh graders. Working in groups of three, one team member would document and the other two would measure. We took turns doing each job so I was able to experience both positions. The seventh graders were interesting to measure because they varied greatly in height. The seventh graders were also very rowdy and loved to do things to make their friends laugh. This made measuring them difficult because if one kid was sock sliding in the hallway, the patient on the stadiometer would be distracted and move. Because of this we had to make sure to keep them still for an accurate height. After measuring the seventh graders we went to the elementary school to measure the first graders. The first graders were slightly harder to measure because they were not very good at standing still on the stadiometer, making their heights harder to accurately measure. The first graders also took longer to measure because they required more assistance taking