Nt1310 Unit 5 Lab Report

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The table below depicts that T4, T5, and T6 gave the lower mean number of branching points ranging from 17.55 to 26.77. Consequently, T2 which is the negative control had a higher mean number of branching points in the blood vessels of ducks CAM which is 52.10
As shown in the table, T6 which received the highest dose of 45µg/ml CLE exhibited the lowest mean branching frequency of blood vessels count which was 17.55. This was followed by the T5 with blood vessels count of 21.33 and T4 which has a blood vessels count of 26.77. The highest mean branching frequency of blood vessels was registered by T1 with a mean of 63.11.
Table 2. Mean Branching Frequency of the Blood Vessels in the Duck’s CAM after the Introduction of the Various
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Treatments Mean T1-Untreated Eggs 63.11a

T2- 0.2 dH20 52.10a

T3-0.2ml of 0.1% Carrageenan in Distilled Water 37.66b

T4-15µg/ml of CLE+ 0.1 µg/ml of Carrageenan 26.77bc

T5-30µg/ml of CLE+ 0.1 µg/ml of Carrageenan
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Duncan’s test further showed that T6 which used the highest dose of 45µg/ml Chinese lantern extract did not vary significantly from T4 and T5 which received 15 µg/ml CLE and 30µg/ml CLE. On the other hand T3, T4 and T5 were statistically different from T1, the untreated eggs dH20. This show that the duck’s eggs treated with concentrations 15, 30, 45µg/ml CLE varied significantly from those eggs treated with dH20, the negative control as well as the untreated eggs. This result suggests that the mean branching frequency of blood vessels in the ducks CAM treated with 15µg/ml, 30µg/ml, and 45µg/ml of CLE were significantly lower than the untreated and the negative control groups. It is remarkable that T4, T5 and T6 which are the eggs treated with doses of 15 µg/ml, 30µg/ml and 45µg/ml CLE were significantly higher than the eggs treated with Carrageenan, the positive control. Ducks CAM treated with the lowest dose of the 15µg/ml CLE was not significantly different from T3, the positive control. This suggests that the low concentrations of 15µg/ml CLE is comparable to 0.1% Carrageenan in terms of their ability to inhibit blood vessels growth. Obviously, 30µg/ml and 45µg/ml significantly inhibited the formation of blood vessels. This indicates that a dose of CLE which is