Nt1310 Unit 8 Lab

Words: 373
Pages: 2

Lab 8 – RC Circuit Name: Grace Schmitt Partner: Jack Fowler.

Abstract: The objective of this experiment is to study the behavior of an RC circuit using a signal generator and an oscilloscope. By making connections between these instruments and our RC circuit, we can assess the capacitor’s charging behavior and observe fluctuations in current and voltage as the charging progresses.

Introduction The primary objective of our experiment is to observe how the capacitor charges and discharges within the RC circuit. We plan to achieve this by analyzing the voltage fluctuations across the capacitor as it undergoes charging and discharging cycles driven by the square wave inputs. We hypothesize that the oscilloscope will accurately depict the capacitor’s charging process as intended.
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Following this, we will calculate the capacitance using the following formula, Equation 1. With tau being the time constant, R being resistance, and C being capacitance. =RC Equation 1: Capacitance Formula V=V_max (1-e(-/RC)) Equation 2: For when voltage is increasing across the capacitor. V=V_max (e(-/RC)) Equation 2: For when square waves are zero and the capacitor is discharging.

Data Unfortunately, the experiment couldn’t proceed, and lab constraints prevented us from gathering meaningful data for theoretical or practical analysis. As a result, we borrowed another group of data. It was hard to grasp their organization, but the data shown is what I could follow and understand. Based on my understanding, the capacitance functioned as expected, indicating a successful outcome for this experiment.

Figure 3: Data -