Nt1310 Unit 8 Research

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Pages: 3

Unit 8 Discussion Assignment

What security issues exist with collecting data from all sources at the scale of which people are adopting the use of IoT? What the text highlights is the broad spectrum of security concerns. This is a complex issue that concerns not only the devices, and the infrastructure to which the Internet of Things (IoT) devices are connected, but also the operating system itself hosting the hardware and the data, and even the middleware that is employed to deliver the service to the end user. The biggest concern is that unlike other technologies, with IoT the device must be integrated and directly connected to the the function it is associated with. For example, in the case of a nuclear reactor, the IoT device must be physically attached to that infrastructure. This vulnerability brings within itself a significant security risk, as it will be connected to a wide area network (WAN). Therefore, another factor to consider here is the network infrastructure in which the IoT is connected. For example, having a network infrastructure on a single cluster would cause it to become vulnerable to attack as it is restricted to a single IP number. An improved approach is to create
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After conducting research, there are certainly some areas that are not represented well by IoT. The biggest factor of all is medical devices. This involves the collection and processing of medical data. After reviewing medical IoT devices, one innovation that I believe would be truly beneficial to users within an IoT context would be the monitoring of blood sugar, in the case of diabetes sufferers. I believe that generally medical devices are one area which are underrepresented by digital assistants and have much potential for the user. As has been highlighted in the above section, there is much responsibility to ensure that the data that is being collected, and the means that it is being collected, are