Testing is a part of validating input data in the new system. There is one test that is called the test for missing data. The record is also checked for the key data that is different for each record. Another type of test is the test for correct field length. This test will check if the input is the correct length for the field that it is in. There is a test that will check for invalid values if there are not many combinations. Check for data integrity, this means data appear the same on all forms and screens. There should not be different data for the same field.
The testing that we did on the Bingo Pet Toys project was validating input data, missing data testing, field length testing. The invalid values test was also done. These test where done through the whole process so we would have a while constructed database. …show more content…
You have to recover your database if it gets corrupted or gets out of sync. There are many ways you can back up a system with a tape systems, RAID arrays or online cloud storage. Maintenance of your database should also include updates. This Includes database updates, security updates and patches for operating system. Auditing is a way to check the quality of the information in the database. There are two types of audits there is an internal audit and an external audit. An internal audit is done by internal staff and an external audit is done by an outside company.
The maintenance program that was set up for Bingo Pet Toys project was with daily backups and included future updates. Due to the small IT staff Bingo Pet Toys will us an external audit that will be done by an outside