Nt1330 Unit 5 Essay

Words: 1794
Pages: 8

GalacticPvP - (SeniorModerator - 40 Players) - GalacticPvP was the first server I was ever staff on meaning I was young, immature and was unsure how to handle many situations and had to go to my friends for help but, I did the right thing by going to other staff because that lead me to making no mistakes and getting promoted to Moderator! While I was Mod I did lots of in game work, forums work and helped out with builds and suggestions for the server. I had a good false/positive ban ratio and made very little false bans and because of all of what I did as a Mod I got promoted to Senior Moderator. Senior Mod was quite big for me, after being Senior Moderator for a good amount of time the Owner decided that his admins should get console which led to a lot of abuse and one day an Admin op'd everyone on the server so the owner decided to quit the server completley and it closed down. …show more content…
OPCraft was a network which had Factions, OPFactions, UltraOPFactions and OPPrison. I was Helper on there for about 1-2 weeks until one day I came home from school and typed in chat and realised I had recieved Moderator, I was still quite young and immature so I was very excited about this. I did my job as a Moderator and recorded many, many hackers and did a lot of forums work such as hacker reports and helped out a lot of players. Sadly the day I got Admin I wasn't as excited and didn't react the way I should have because I was resigning that day due to personal reasons, I said my goodbyes to all of my friends and it was hard but I did it and part of where I am today is because I resigned which I am grateful