Nubian Women

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Pages: 8

All around the world people of darker color are treated unequally. People are closing their eyes and try to ignore the significance of Black African influence upon New World such as habits, rituals, music, etc. Nowadays it is not surprising that there are many issues of distrust and resentment among people that involve black people who are still considered to be outcasts and low-class. In many racist behaviors they are still perceived to be descendants of slaves. Why? Because people are uneducated and even if they are educated like political leaders, they are unwilling to admit to be equal with African American. For example, when I was lazy and tired one day, my boss in England said sarcastically: “Hurry up or ask your black slave to do it …show more content…
Gomez in his book. Nubian women became Egyptian royals, wielding tremendous power as queen mothers and royal wives. Sometimes, they ruled with their husbands, at times as regents, and in some instances alone (Gomez, 11). For instances, Nefertati who ruled with Ahmose I and Tiye who ruled with Amenhotep III, were quite a political force and may have been responsible for affairs of state. The first white woman in U. S. politics was Elisabeth Cady Stanton who run for the U. S. House of Representatives. It took a long time since discovering the New World and a lot of struggle for women to have their own voice heard in politics even for white women. In addition, many of the European goddesses in ancient times were black (God of Wisdom, Minerva; God of Beauty, Diana). “The most important ones were in fact black because Greeks were so profoundly affected by Africans.” (Journal of African Civilization). This is an example that women of Africa were taken not like underdogs or servants but with the dignity not only in Africa but also in European countries. Reading a couple of books of American political history and taking Political class in College of Marin, I found out that women were not very welcome in politics. They were suppressed by their government and society and even worse by their husbands who …show more content…
According to Michael A. Gomez, Southern Europeans in ancient Mediterranean world were completely struck by the African’s color; the darker the color, the stronger the impression. They did not ascribe any intrinsic value or worth to skin color. Unlike contemporary notions of race and racism, did not equate blackness with inferiority. From my point of view, contemporary racism is a euphemism for white supremacy. Racism is a powerful weapon in politics and can encourage fear or hatred of others in time of conflict, war, and economic downturns (slavery, Civil War, Jim Crow, Civil Right Movement, etc.) Many people had an incentive to promote anti-black sentiment in the communities by encouraging racist attitudes, racist policies, and violence against blacks. This intensified white racism that produced political attitudes that have been passed down generation to the next generation. Nowadays reported cases of racially charged occurrences continue on college campuses with “Blackface” party incidents (The Journal of Negro education.) I feel that racism started with unfair power distribution and past injustices. Power, from the discovery of New World, means money. White people believed that their values and interests are the most important and they could benefit from their choices and decisions. They stole people of color from Africa to make that dream happened. Because of the slavery, the