Nuclear Energy In Canada Essay

Words: 1838
Pages: 8

‘There is no substitute for energy; the whole edifice of modern life is built upon it’ -E.F. Schumacher-

Nowadays, we barely even think about where our energy comes from. Over the years, new sources of energy are utilized whereas some fall out of operation and public view. Nuclear Energy has been there for decades and great benefits have been felt as a result. Many of the products that we are so used to and don’t even consider in our daily lives use Nuclear Technology.

After the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the world took interest in these Weapons of Mass Destruction. Many nations saw that there was a potential of this technology beyond destruction. Luckily, Canada decided after the Manhattan project that this technology would best be used to serve the people in peaceful ways. Nuclear energy really got its blast of in the 50’s and then advanced at a fast rate over the coming decades which utmost efficiency. The governments of Canada through these ages realized that with the abilities of Nuclear
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Today, Canada–through private suppliers–is responsible for 80 per cent of the world’s cobalt for industrial and medical use, as well as a majority of the market for other important medical isotopes(such as Tc-99m and Mo-99).To this day Chalk River Laboratories still produces isotopes. There were also implementations of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine in treatment. Within a year following WWII there had been the establishment of the Chalk River laboratories that pioneered nuclear research and later lead to benefits in regards to the level of Cancer treatments available to people in my community. An example being Oct. 27, 1951, Dr. Ivan Smith’s cancer clinic at Victoria Hospital in London, Ont., treated a patient with radiation, using the Eldorado