Nursing Home Neglect Research Paper

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Pages: 4

Nursing home abuse and neglect is an all too common of a problem among our elderly population in the United States. Elder abuse and neglect, according to the National Center on
Elder Abuse (NCEA), is defined as intentional actions that cause harm or create a serious risk of harm (whether or not harm is intended) to a vulnerable elder by a caregiver or other person who stands in a trust relationship to the elder. When considering the subject of nursing home abuse and neglect, it is important to recognize the impact of elder abuse, why it occurs and signs and symptoms of nursing home neglect.
Elders who experience abuse and neglect have a higher risk of death when compared with those who have not been abused. Statistics have shown
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There are many abuse and/or neglect complaints each year as a result of maltreatment of our elderly population. Research data provided by the
National Center on Elder Abuse, Bureau of Justice Statistics, estimates that the average number of elderly abuse cases each year is around 2,150,000. This is extremely depressing when considering that the elderly population constitutes a small percentage of the US population. A 2010 Census in the United States recorded the percentage of people 65 and older to be around 13% of the population. Although not all complaints filed are with merit, one should consider the number of complaints received for a facility. Perhaps the staggering number of cases reported can be blamed on the lack of qualified staff. It is incumbent upon everyone to report suspicion of elderly abuse or neglect. In Mississippi, a suspicion of elderly abuse or neglect can be reported to the Mississippi
State Department of Health. However, if the situation is dangerous or threatening, the reporter should call 911 or local
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Able seniors can take an active role in their physical and emotional wellbeing by reporting issues to their doctor, a family member, friend, minister or other person of trust. Many times when the neglect or abuse becomes apparent, the senior has suffered
Irreparable damage to their health and emotional wellbeing. Some have lost their lives due as a result of abusive and neglectful situations. The focus of this paper is nursing home abuse and neglect; however, it should not be misunderstood to think that abuse of our elderly occurs only in nursing homes. Some seniors suffer abuse in their own homes by adult children and other family members. The stress of caring for an elderly loved one, especially when the support is not present from other caregivers. In many cases, abuse is unintentional and the caregiver is simply pushed beyond their endurance. In conclusion, it is everyone’s responsibility to care for and protect our aging population.
Owners of nursing homes should ensure that their facilities are maintained and adequately staffed.
Family members have the responsibility of monitoring and observing the quality of care