Nutrition and Assignments Essay examples

Submitted By anabell1919
Words: 1214
Pages: 5

You are responsible for checking your email for updated assignment information, grading criteria, date changes, etc.

Course Description
Physiological, psychological and practical aspects of obtaining a healthy diet. Relationship of nutrients to health and well being. Evaluation of current nutritional issues and controversies.

English Writing 100B and Reading 91 or 100 or English as a Second Language 24 or 72 and Mathematics 200 are advised. It is expected that you can do simple math problems, including those that use percentages and ratios.
Student Learning Outcomes
1. Evaluate a meal plan or a diet for meeting the criteria of a “Healthy Diet”
2. Evaluate nutrition claims about a dietary supplement, food, or diet for accuracy and health-enhancing potential.

Required Text/Diet Software
Discovering Nutrition, 4th edition, Insel, Ross, McMahon, and Bernstein, Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Classroom Protocol
1. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that he/she is current with all class materials and assignments. If you need to miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out from other students what was covered during that class period. The instructor will hand out supplemental reading assignments or class materials periodically. Therefore, it is to your advantage to obtain this additional information.

2. The instructor reserves the right to revise this syllabus and list of requirements as needed to better achieve the class goals and objectives. This includes grading, assignments etc. This syllabus does not answer all details of this course; further details will be provided in class. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all classroom discussions, assignments, and changes in course requirements.

3. Pop-quizzes may be given throughout the course. Points will be added to the course total accordingly.

4. Students must be on-time for all exams and presentations. If students are more than 10 minutes late for an exam or presentation, they will receive zero credit.

5. No late assignments will be accepted.

6. Proper formatting is required for all written work. Please see Evaluation Criteria for Written Assignments. NO EXCEPTIONS.

7. Throughout the course, we will watch pertinent videos. Material from these videos will be covered on exams-Take Notes!

Computer Usage During Class
Laptops and other electronic devices should strictly be used for the purpose of taking notes during class time. If caught doing work for other classes, checking Facebook, playing games, etc., 10 points will be deducted from an exam score. Attending class and paying attention is the easiest way to succeed in this course. Please make it a priority to be an active listener and participant during class time.

Dropping and Adding
Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drop, grade forgiveness, etc. Refer to the current semester’s Catalog Policies. Add/drop deadlines can be found on the online.

Academic Dishonesty
Any student found to be participating in academic dishonesty (“cheating”) will receive an “F” the assignment/exam in question. Some examples of academic dishonesty are:
Copying, in part or in whole, from someone else's quiz/exam, assignment or other work; Purposely allowing another student to copy from your quiz/exam, assignment or other work. Communicating to another student during a quiz/exam, looking at another student’s quiz/exam, or looking at any written material other than the quiz/exam during a quiz/exam (it will all be presumed to be for the purpose of cheating); Giving your academic work to another student to plagiarize; Turning in work that was done by someone other than yourself; Lying to an instructor or college official to improve your grade.

The Office of the Dean of Student Affairs & Activities maintains a record of students who have engaged in academic dishonesty. This