NVQ Level 3 Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit Essay

Submitted By stew1989
Words: 1262
Pages: 6

NVQ Level 3 Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit.
Theory and practice

C. I am able to work on my own initiative; this is because I have had the training and the ability to make a decision on my own. If I need a secondary advice I would ask another member of staff or the house manager to confirm that I have the right information.

D. when administration medication it is vital that staff ensure that the following are done, Make sure that you wash your hands before giving out medication, Make sure that the medication pot is clean and has no dirty marks on it, Make sure that the medication from the blister pack goes into the medication pot and that it does not drop on the floor or the table. If any medication was to be touch or handle, then staff would have to dispose of the medication in a clear plastic bag with the name of the medication and the date on it. Also get two staff members to sign on the label. Staff would also have to fill out the Mar sheet by applying a ( ) then filled out on the back of the Mar sheet saying why the following medication was disposing of then boots will pick up the disposed medication at the end of the week.
Also when administering medication always remembers the six rights:
The right person;
The right medication;
The right dose;
The right time;
The right route;
The right MAR Chart

E. When administrating medication things that can go wrong are, you could give the wrong medication to the wrong service user, you could also give out the wrong dose of medication, also if staff have not wash their hands before giving out medication then they could give the service user an infection.

Care and Support.

G. It is important to be able to communicate effectively with the person I support to ensure there are not forms of communication breakdown, as this can lead to various emotions such as frustration, disappointment and anxiety. There are many forms of communication this can be sign language, picture exchange communication system (P.E.C.S) and verbal communication. As some service users may only have basic communication skills hand gestures and facial expressions play a large part in communicating effectively.

H. By talking to the service user and making them feel comfortable with the staff take them into the office with another staff member and telling the service user what medication they will be taking and how they will be taking it this will make it easy for the service user to feel relaxed around you.


I. Diazepam: This is one of the most common types of medication it should be storage in a lockable cupboard and should be kept at room temperature in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Do NOT store it in the bathroom or kitchen.
J. it is important to have a common understanding of the medication that the service user is taking, allowing you to understand possible side effects and the reasons as to why the medication has been prescribed to the service user. It is also important to be aware of the adverse effects if the service user was to refuse his medication.

K. Medications that contain lithium for treating bipolar disorder may dampen the function of the thyroid gland or even cause kidney or heart damage. As this can pose a serious health risk to the person taking the medication, annual checkups are done to test kidney and thyroid function and calcium levels are checked annually due to the risk of hypocalcaemia.

N. The different types of taking medication are oral E.G taking tablets and liquid medication, using a needle. E.G taking an injection medication because a service user cannot take medication through the mouth.

O. on any medication which arrives into a care setting the following information should be label on the medication.
Name of person that taking the medication
Name of the medication itself
How many or how much to take. I.E (Take 2 tablets 3 times a day)DiazepamAntibiotics: Drugs made from naturally occurring and synthetic