O True Apothecary: The Role Of Violence In Romeo And Juliet

Words: 271
Pages: 2

Although violence doesn’t solve all problems, some might say it can stop bullying problems because it can scare them enough to stop. “I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the american black man’s problem just to avoid violence.”(Malcolm X). In some cases violence can be used to solve problems. Wars were never won without a little blood spilled. It could be because there are people that don’t want to run but instead they want to fight.” O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.”(Shakespeare 5.3 119-120). This violence didn’t reunite Romeo and juliet because if only Romeo waited a little longer he would’ve seen Juliet was still alive. Romeo killing himself only caused pain to Juliet