O The first activity was a warm-up exercise on conversational speech. Sarah showed B pictures of the Grand Canyon and asked him to describe his experience during his trip with his family. B was not able to form complete sentences; however, he could use rote phrases such as yes or no responses to questions Sarah asked. The next activity also involved rote phrases and included B counting to ten and saying the days of the week. B did an excellent job at verbally completing these two categories with minimal to no prompt from Sarah. …show more content…
Sarah began by using tactical cues to help him produce CV sequences. Sarah used the PROMPT method to help B produce /b/, /m/, and /h/ with vowels in the final position of the phoneme sequence. Production of /b/ sounds were easier for B to articulate than /m/ sounds. During this activity, B showed frustration and kept stating he did not know; however, Sarah gave positive verbal reinforcement and explained that it was not his fault. Along with a PROMPT technique, Sarah used modeling to help B with the initial production of a