There's going to be that one kid who's 6’4 with massive hands and feet and can just fly through the water. I wasn't gifted with height, 5’8’ isnt short but in the swimming world it definitely is. Last year my coach said something along the lines of “You guys need to swim smart if you want to be fast.”. What coach was telling us is we need to pay attention to detail. Everything from the correct head positioning in the water, to not breathing on your first stroke off the wall. All these little details are what separates good swimmers from the best swimmers. There are only so many things I can control. I can’t control my genetics, I can't control who's swimming next to me, I can't control the times of the other swimmers. That’s why I have to control everything that I can, going to every practice, eating healthy, getting enough sleep. One of my favorite quotes from John Wooden “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can