Observations Of Troy's 'Fences'

Words: 1851
Pages: 8

Prashun Dey Mr. Bausili
Fences: The Troy Journal English

1) Troy: "I went to Mr. Rand and asked him, 'Why? Why you got white mens driving and the colored lifting?” - pg 2 Act 1 Scene 1
Troy says this in a confident tone.
He asks Mr. Rand why black people aren’t allowed to drive.
According to Bono, others (black co-workers) call Troy a troublemaker.

A characteristic of Troy’s is that he is courageous. He confronted Mr. Rand even though one of the possible consequences was getting fired.
He views this black co-workers as cowards because they did not have the guts to confront the problem. Other blacks were blinded by the consequences and fear it.
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This is mostly due to the fact that they are scared of being fired because of Troys actions.
Troy sees the world as a cruel and racially divided world. He is against racial inequality due to his prior experiences in trying to get into the MLB. His prior experiences with racial limitations have defined his characteristics years later.

2) Troy: “The A&P ain’t never done anything for me...I go down to Bella...What sense that make when I got money to go spend it somewhere else and ignore the person who done right by me? That ain’t in the Bible” -pg 7 Act 1 Scene 1
Troy says this in a very disapproving tone, when Rose brings up shopping at