Part 1- Comparative studies The first section of the book is titled ‘comparative studies’. This section is composed of the first two chapters of the book. Chapter one is history and methods. Chapter is composed of mainly the introduction of comparative studies, scholarship, and theology.
This section deals with the continuously growing division between scholars of a secular nature and those of a religious nature. The purpose of this part of the book is setting the Bible apart from comparative studies that focuses its work in a negatively manner in which the historicity, canonicity, and divine revelation of Gods’ Word is depicted. The author’s main argument in part 1 has to do with his own beliefs that biblical scholars should use comparative studies because it is important to have knowledge on the background of religious practice and help “create a spectrum to define the varieties of differences and similarities to classify nuances of relationship more precisely.” [2]
Chapter 1 – History and Methods In chapter 1, the author defines and describes the comparative study as “a branch of cultural studies in that it attempts to draw data from different segments of the broader culture (in time and or space) into juxtaposition with one another in order to assess what might be learned from one to enhance the understanding of another.”[3] The author’s reasoning for this is that comparative study is greatly needed because the literary genres, religious practices, and cultural dimensions of ancient Israelite theology are all rooted in ancient Near Eastern culture, and that without any formal guidance of background studies, many are bound to misinterpret the text. John Walton provides