Ocean Pollution Research Paper

Words: 1182
Pages: 5

The ocean is a vast and mysterious part of our ocean. The ocean covers 71 % of our planet and contains over 50% of all life on earth. (“Oceanic Institute”). The oceans also holds the deepest part of our planet that we have yet to explore and discover. The ocean is vital to our survival on Earth and we all destroying it through our pollution and waste of society. . Pollution.is one of the most important people need to address recent times, oil spills have been the most detrimental to the environment for the ocean. The worst oil spill to date happened on April 20, 2010, when the oil tanker in the Gulf of Mexico exploded and sank into the ocean (Gulf Oil Spill). For 87 days the tanker was leaking oil into the ocean with an estimated 3.19 million …show more content…
Plastics and other waste are also a very serious threat that is affecting the ocean. One of the most well known “garbage dumps’ is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Charles Moore, the man who discovered the vortex has gone on the record that cleaning up the garbage patch would “bankrupt any country that tried.” (“Great Pacific Garbage Patch”). However, there are a lot of groups who are dedicated to preventing the patch get bigger. Cleaning up the patch would require a ridiculous amount work and money. Many microplastics are the same size as small sea animals, so nets designed to scoop up trash would catch these creatures as well. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Marine Debris Program has estimated that it would take 67 ships one year to clean up less than one percent of the North Pacific Ocean.” (“Great Pacific Garbage Patch”). Plastic is the material that everyone uses for everything and which pollutes our environment because it does not decompose and is perhaps the most harmful of trash dumped by mariners and sea-goers in the sea because it does not readily break down in nature. the plastic that goes over the side today may still be around in hundreds of years to foul up the fishing gear, boat propellers, and beaches of future generations(“Great Pacific Garbage Patch”). The Great Pacific Garbage patch is not the only gyre in the ocean like this, but it is the largest out of all of