I am Garrett Chalfin, the Senior Editor-in-Chief of the Oceandale Graphite Gazette. I am writing today to register an official complaint against Head of Upper School Dalton Tipp. He has done a horrible job at handling the Girls Varsity Soccer Game incident. The students involved in the fight were defending their classmate, and their friend Kamala Khalek from religious discrimination. I understand that physical violence is never the answer, and Mr. Tipp understood that as well, delivering a suspension to the members of the time involved in the altercation. There were better ways for Mr. Tipp to have handled the situation, a suspension goes on the team members’ college applications, significantly harming their chances of admission. Why should someone …show more content…
A talk in his office explaining different ways they could’ve handled it, and potentially giving a detention to the team-members would’ve been a far more effective way of disciplining the students - not disciplining for the sake of disciplining, but disciplining so they can learn from their mistakes. It gets worse, the students, understandably upset with the disciplinary decision Mr. Tipp made, decided to protest the decision. “Dipp is a Tipp” was spray-painted on a school-building, vandalizing property will never be okay, and deserves a full and rigorous investigation. However, with no such investigation, and just his own gut instinct he decided to disband the Radical Student Union, the club that he suspects made the sign. Suspicions should never be enough to end an extracurricular activity that people put so much work into making a success. Furthermore, he decided to end the Boys and Girls’ soccer teams’ season. Why? Were they involved in any of this? No, they weren’t, he’s punishing people for the sake of