“Ocean’s Eight” begins by following Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock) as she is released from prison. Bullock opens with a strong convincing performance that, when bolstered by the performances from supporting actors, drew me into the movie almost immediately. As the movie continues the audience, and the other …show more content…
Often in movies like “Ocean’s Eight” the plot is not as strong, because the producers and directors are counting on star power and action to draw in crowds. This movie, however, is an exception. Without giving anything away, I will say that the plot is intricate and fun. All glaring plot holes were wrapped up by the end, and any slightly unrealistic aspects of the plot were so fun that they remained fun instead of becoming annoying. “Ocean’s Eight” also had a sort of glamor to it that I really appreciated. If I had to describe the vibe of the movie, I would say “Gossip Girl” meets a heist movie. The plot sucked you into the lavish life of the New York rich; Hathaway’s character is a starlet with an apartment that overlooks Central Park. It also featured all of the fun and exciting aspects of an elaborately planned heist. Needless to say, I think that this is a combination that needs to happen more