Octavia Butler's Kindred: An Analysis

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Pages: 6

The definition of power is the ability to control people and events. As a society, we are taught that power can produce danger and instability depending upon who possesses it. One of the most popular films of our time emphasizes that "With great power comes great responsibility" (Spider-Man, Raimi). The tendency for control to incite corruption among individuals, leading to abuse of their authority, is a phenomenon that can be witnessed through literary, historical, and contemporary contexts. However, the corrupting influence of power manifests variably among different people. Investigating the degrees of corruption through examples of the novel Kindred and in worldwide government systems illuminates the necessary role of accountability. By …show more content…
Individuals can be reckless and irresponsible in wielding power without accountability, creating significant issues. Tom and Fowler maintained unvaried power over Dana; however, only Fowler exceeded his boundaries and was further corrupted by this authority. Whereas Octavia Butler's literature displays the message of degrees of corruption through power, this message can be seen in many other historical and contemporary contexts. An example of unaccountability can be seen in modern-day Russia under the influence of Vladimir Putin. Putin's recent invasion of Ukraine has brought investigations of war crimes, such as the willful killings of an individual, or abuses, such as torture, property destruction, sexual violence, or forced displacement during a conflict, to Russia. Since 2021, the start of the attack, "Ukraine [is] accusing Russia of committing a number of war crimes, and many experts have backed those claims" (Chappell par. 1. Further, "Ukraine's prosecutor general's office has opened more than 9,300 investigations into alleged war crimes and identified hundreds of suspects from Russia." Ordoez,