“We are talking about a beverage fermented with human saliva. Achuar women chew boiled manioc into the desired mashed-potato texture, and then spit-spray the contents of their bulging cheeks out into the chicha urn. While I know that, percentage-wise, we’re talking a tiny fraction of the mixture, I’m having difficulty embracing the idea.” She wanted to be able to try different food from other cultures, but once she knew how it was made it was making her second guess herself. She learned from this experience and realized that this is the reason that some people are not able to make themselves try something simply because it doesn't look good. She was determined to eat from another culture but the things they were trying to have her eat she was having a hard time getting herself to eat it. “I have to clean my plate. I must force apart the gristly abomination with my teeth, work my tongue into its fissures and slimy orifices, extract anything vaguely chewable, and swallow