Odysseus Hero

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Pages: 5

The ancient Greeks worshiped the heroes from their tales the same way they did with their gods. Greek heroes are their idols. They exemplified the qualities a “perfect” person would have in their society– but these heroes were still human. One such Greek hero is Odysseus, the king of Ithaca who fought in the Trojan war for a decade and, as stated in the epic poem The Odyssey by Homer, was away from his family for a total of 20 years. Odysseus is the hero of the story, yet some claim that he does not deserve the title of “hero.” In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus demonstrates Greek values through his intelligence, strength, and belief in the gods; even though he has human flaws, Greek heroes, at the time, were expected to have these flaws since …show more content…
When Greek heroes are made into stories, they are expected to have at least one of those three in order to show that they are a hero. Odysseus, however, has all three characteristics. As mentioned and demonstrated in the epic poem many times, Odysseus is a “man skilled in all ways of contending” (Homer 2). Odysseus differentiates himself from his crew and even other heroes because of his versatility, which has helped him many times throughout the story. He demonstrated his strength when he beat all the suitors at the archery contest with ease; he also showed his strength when he and a few other people managed to kill all the suitors, even though they were severely outnumbered. As for his intelligence, he demonstrated this trait when he told Polyphemus that his name was Nobody and when he used earwax to cover his mens’ ears when they neared the Ssirens’ island. Furthermore, the article “Heroism in The Odyssey” asserts that the Trojan horse, which was Odysseus’s idea, is also evidence of his intellect and that “many Greek heroes are men of action, a few others are skilled in counsel, but few combine the two like Odysseus”