The Odyssey is an epic adventure centered around a main brave leader named Odysseus. Odysseus is a natural leader that saves his men from hazards and danger many times. He leads them like he cared for each and every one of his men and would and put his men's safety before his. Odysseus is a great leader and he consistently showed this in the Odyssey, for example, he had to show his leadership when he tricked the Cyclops and freed himself and the men he took with him from the cave. He had to…
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question if Odysseus was a good leader. In the epic poem The Odyssey written by Homer, there were many arguments that concluded that he was a bad leader. But there are many reasons why he is a very strong and courageous leader. Odysseus was able to lead him and his men through tough trials such as the lotus eaters, sirens etc. He also made decisions not for just himself but for his men as well. There are many reasons why Odysseus was a great leader. The first reason Odysseus is a great leader is the…
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the epic poem The Odyssey, by Homer, their messages about leadership are non-interchangeable. Mythology and You teaches one that you need to have strength to be a powerful leader, while The Odyssey teaches one that you need to lead by example and never give up. Mythology and You is compromised of many myths created by the Mycenaeans and Minoans. The Odyssey is an epic poem explaining the journey of Odysseus, a lost soldier trying to return home. Mythology and You and The Odyssey spread different lessons…
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general, poetry heroes are people readers can look up too. In this case, The Odyssey, Odysseus is a certain character people idolize. However, some people like to think he was not a good leader for distinct reasons. Odysseus is a good leader because he protects his men from danger and is particularly good at thinking on his feet. Odysseus is a worthy leader because he protects his men from danger. In the story The Odyssey on page 933, I carried war along the line and laid it thick on their ears. This…
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Introduction A person can be a strong leader without actually having to be strong. Exceptional leaders can use cleverness and strategy to win and achieve greatness for them and their men. In Homer’s the Odyssey, the people of Greece and of Ithaca thought that one man, Odysseus, was a hero. He was a good leader to many people, but to his crew especially. He would try his best to motivate them, protect them, and warn them despite not always being heeded. However, Odysseus played his part and did the most…
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In the epic poem “The Odyssey” by Homer the main character, Odysseus exemplifies a Greek basileus as seen by his ambition, persuasion, and skill. The first example of Odysseus showing Greek basileus like traits is when he showed ambition. A Greek basileus must be ambitious to be a great leader because it influences his followers to keep on pursuing the end goal. The first example of his ambition is shown in the epic poem when “Vowing to slaughter my best heifer for them before she calved… for…
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In Homer’s The Odyssey, an epic hero, Odysseus, undergoes many situations and adventures. Toward the end of the book, after finally arriving to his home of Ithaca, Odysseus is exposed to those who infringe his island. Odysseus now has to consider decisions on how to punish these people who have created such a dilemma at his castle. Odysseus’ deportment at the end of the book is unjustifiable; his punishments do not fit the crimes, he acts like a hypocrite, and he does not have good judgement. In…
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scripture, a leader should be wise and brave, but also show mercy. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Philippians 2:3-4) These are just a few qualities a leader should strive to possess. However, Odysseus would tend not to listen to his crew, and they were often endangered because of this. Instead of taking his men’s advice, Odysseus was selfish and…
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someone a good leader in the face of danger? It can be staying calm or being level headed in the most dangerous moments. These traits are shown in The Odyssey by Homer. While on a journey home, Odysseus is challenged by the gods in many ways. First, Odysseus goes to help his crew that has been changed into animals. Second, Odysseus’s crew is facing the Scylla, and Odysseus keeps his crew calm. Therefore, Odysseus is a good leader in the face of danger. In the Odyssey, Odysseau is a good leader in the…
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2014 The Odyssey Essay When you think about Greek Epic leader, Odysseus will most likely come to mind. Odysseus is the main character in Homer's poem "The Odyssey,” which is a narrative poem that describes Odysseus' adventures and obstacles in his quest to return home to Ithaca, where he is king, from the Trojan War. Odysseus has been gone for two decades. All the other chieftains have returned, however, Odysseus' whereabouts are unknown. One of the traits that makes Odysseus a Greek leader is that…
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