Odysseus Perception Of Beautiful Women In Homer's Odyssey

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Pages: 3

After a few weeks of xenia from the beautiful goddess Calypso, Odysseus started to see things in the water out of the corner of his eyes. Throughout the day, he would see glimpses of what looked like beautiful women in the sea, but he would not be sure. He would not say anything to Calypso because he thought it might be hallucinations from being so anxious about his wife and son. It would not affect him until one night, while he was staying up late mourning his absence from his family and home when he heard beautiful voices from the ocean. Then he heard one call, “Great Odysseus, come down to the water to see us.” Odysseus was lured in by their seductive tone and headed down to the ocean. When he finally saw the beautiful women, they brought a …show more content…
You can sail to our island and we can tell you everything you could ever want to know.” With no hesitation, Odysseus started to walk closer to the boat, enticed by their offer. But when he got close, they suddenly vanished. Calypso then called out to Laertes' son, asking him what he was doing. He snapped out of his trance and didn't even know what had happened. He then went back to bed, still confused as to what had just occurred. It happened the following nights and neither Calypso nor Odysseus knew what was going on until one night, Calypso stayed up late waiting for something to happen. Suddenly she saw the Siren. She realized what they were doing immediately and managed to put wax in her ears before they started singing their song. Not much later, Calypso saw Odysseus start to walk down to the water, and she let him go, so the sirens wouldn’t think that she knew. Just like the other night, she yelled at The Old Campaigner right before he got onto the boat. The next morning, Calypso tells Odysseus what happened the other night, and then it all finally makes sense. They then made a plan to slaughter the Sirens so they couldn't hurt anyone