What is the 16 to 19 school bursary scheme?
16 to 19 bursary schemes provide financial help to young people aged 16 to 19 who face financial barriers to participating in education or training, provided they meet agreed standards of attendance, punctuality, behaviour, classwork and homework.
Who is eligible for the bursary scheme?
The 16 to 19 bursary scheme offers two types of bursary. You can only apply for one type, depending on your personal circumstances.
The bursary award
To be eligible for the bursary award you must meet all four of the following conditions:
1. attend Nower Hill’s 6th Form as your home school
2. be starting Year 12 or 13 in September 2014
3. be aged between 16 and 18 on 31 August 2014
4. have been in receipt of Free School Meals or bursary at the end of academic year 2013/14
The bursary grant
To be eligible for the bursary grant you must meet all four of the following conditions:
1. attend Nower Hill’s 6th Form as your home school
2. be starting Year 12 or 13 in September 2014
3. be aged between 16 and 18 on 31 August 2014
4. belong to one of the following groups: be in care; or have left care having been in care for a minimum of 6 months since the age of 14; or be in receipt of income support (or universal credit); or be receiving both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (or Personal Independence Payments).
How much money will I get?
If you are eligible for the bursary award, the amount you are entitled to receive per week during term time (up to 39 weeks) will be calculated once all applications have been processed.
If you are eligible for the bursary grant, you will be entitled to £1,200 paid in bi-weekly instalments in arrears during term time only (up to 39 weeks).
What can I use the bursary for?
The bursary is to help with costs related to your studies, for example transport, books and equipment, and other costs associated with your course.
Are there any conditions attached to the scheme?
Yes. Your school will expect you to maintain good standards of attendance, punctuality, behaviour, classwork and homework. You will therefore be required to sign the school’s ‘Learner Agreement’ before any payments are made. Your bi-weekly bursary payments will be conditional on you meeting the requirements of your Learner Agreement.
How do I apply?
Complete the application form and hand it to the 6th Form Administrator.
When do I need to apply by and how will I hear the outcome?
The deadline for applying is 20 September 2014. We will write to everyone who applies to tell you the outcome of your application.
If you do not include the evidence required (see application form), we will not be able to process your application.
When will my payments start?
When your application is approved, we will send you a schedule confirming the dates when you will be paid.
Payments will be made in arrears starting in October.
Payments will only be made if you have met the terms of your Learner Agreement.
How will you pay me?
Payments will be made into your own bank account by a process called BACS transfer.
It is essential that you have a bank account in your name as payments can only be made into your own account via a bank transfer. Cash payments will not be made.
It is important that you make sure that your bank or building society is able to accept BACS transfer before you provide your bank account details. Post Office accounts and some Credit Unions do not accept BACS payments.
How long will I receive payments for?
As long as you continue to study at Nower Hill’s 6th Form (home school) and meet the terms of your Learner Agreement, payments will continue for the duration of your attendance at school for lessons and exams during the academic year 2014/15.
New applications must be submitted for consideration every year. The terms