Offootball Research Paper

Words: 1517
Pages: 7

The sport offootball uses the phosphagen and glycolytic systems . The phosphagen system is used during the actual play of a football game, in which the athlete is completely recovered from any previous play and is exerting maximum effort for just a few seconds. However the stores of creatine phosphate in the muscle cells diminishes rather quickly and it depends on the individual's level or

fitness and the flow of game, how long a player can remand in this syste.

For some players its at half time, and for others it is hardly ever used but once

ATP stores in the muscles are gone football players must rely on the glycolytic system. Also most practices are trained in this system, because there is always
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A quarterback that can add muscle and gain flexibility simultaneously will be successful, but increasing mass and strength at the cost of flexibility can prove to be a real problem for any athlete, but especially a football quarterback.

The bulk of speed and agility work for gain is done during this phase as there is plenty of time to heal from a tweaked hamstring or rolled ankle. Cone drills, sprints, starts, and other change of direction drills are done during this period at maximal effort. Here is where the biggest strides in agility will be made, as strength to body weight ratio is increasing and drills are executed at high intensity .

Power development also rna kes its largest leap in the late offseason. Exercises like power cleans, vertimax vertical jumps, and plyometrics are all incorporated into training over the summer months . Medicine ball throws and hill runs at 25 degrees are also used. Sled pushes have become a fan favorite of mine. Any of these can be done with only an allotted amount of time of rest between sets to train the phosphagen system at the same time as increasing power