Fireworks Practice 1
Understand the Fireworks Work Environment
Starting Fireworks and creating a new document
1. Under the Start menu access Programs Adobe Web Premium CS6 Fireworks CS6.
2. Choose New Fireworks Document (PNG), a dialog box will pop up asking to specify a canvas size. Create a new canvas with the dimensions of 500 pixels by 500 pixels, and a 72-pixel resolution, with the color of white, and then click OK.
• At any time you can change the size and color of you canvas by going to ModifyCanvas o Trim Canvas-cuts canvas to size of graphic o Fit Canvas-expands canvas to size of graphic (if bigger than current canvas)
Understanding the tools and panels we will use
**HINT** If you do have a panel or toolbar click Window, then make sure the panel you need is “checked”
Property Inspector: used for modifying selected objects and set tool properties and other options including Stroke (line) options, Fill options (texture, gradients, etc.)
Tools Panel contains sections Select, Bitmap, Vector, Web, Colors, and View.
• Color Selection
1. Change the Stroke color box and choose a color you like
• Bitmap Section
2. Choose the Brush tool and adjust the tip size to 4: (In the Property Inspector)
3. Draw something on the canvas
4. Select the Brush tool again and draw something else
5. Select the Blur tool and blur some of the lines.
6. Click and hold the Blur tool and select the Smudge tool and smudge some of lines you just made. Play around with some of the other tools to see what they do.
• Vector Section
1. Click and hold the Pen tool, and select Vector Graphic tool and draw another doodle.
**Since we drew this line as a Vector Graphic (rather than a bitmap) we can adjust the line properties after it is drawn**
2. Select the line and change the color, tip size, and Stroke category. Play around with it and see some of the options, this is where you can get really creative
1. Next we will work with shapes and colors.
1. Select the Rectangle tool, then click the Fill color and choose a color to your liking.
2. Draw a rectangle son the canvas. It should be filled with the color of your choice and have the outside stroke with the same properties as the last line you drew.
3. Alter the stroke color and tip style of the rectangle.
4. Click and hold the Rectangle tool to choose the Ellipse tool. Hold the Shift key while dragging to draw a perfect circle.
5. Select the circle you just drew and change the Fill categoryGradient and choose a gradient. You may play around with the options and change the rectangles’ gradients if you want to.
6. At this point your canvas may be getting crowded, Save this as: yournamefireworks1.
--Your document may look something like this: Fireworks Practice 2 Close previous document and open a new 500 by 500 canvas.
2. Working with more shapes
1. Click and hold the Shape tool and select the Arrow tool and draw an arrow on the new canvas.
2. Click and drag the Control points (yellow handles) to modify the arrow shapes.
**HINT a popup title with the will appear telling the function of the handle**
3. Select the Spiral tool and repeat the steps you followed for the arrow tool.
4. Select the Star tool and draw a star. Using the Control points change the star to make it have 8 points.
5. Draw two more Auto Shapes of your choice and modify them to your liking.
6. By holding the Shift key and clicking select two of the shapes you made and click the Add Filters (Filters +) box. Under the Shadow and Glow choose Drop Shadow. You should now see a drop shadow behind the selected shapes.
7. Select two more shapes and add an