Oral: Crime Essay

Submitted By toria101
Words: 1007
Pages: 5

Slide 1 - Victoria:
Good morning Mr Lee and Year 9’s. I am Victoria and these are my classmates Nicole and Elise. We are here today as we are in Mr Lee’s Year 11 Society & Culture class. Like the rest of our year 11 Society & Culture class, our task was to investigate different views on a social issue of crime and punishment in the community debate on law and order. We chose the social issue rape. Here are some horrific statistics on rape: 683,000 forcible rapes occur every year. That is equivalent to 56,946 per month, 1871 per day, 78 per hour, which equals 1.3 per minute.
Slide 2 - Nicole:
Some key words to remember before we start are:
Punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong criminal act
The restoration of someone to a useful place in society
To discourage members of society from committing criminal acts out of fear of punishment
Stopping something from happening or arising
Offender is required as his/her sentence to repay money or donate money to the victim or society
Preservation from injury or harm
Slide 3 - Elise:
People have specific views of rape. Majority of people would say that it absolutely unacceptable. Others say that women who get raped are at fault due to what they wear. They also say its about power, sexual gratification. The most daunting one is that some people think rape is morally acceptable.
Slide 4 - Victoria:
The word rape is misinterpreted. Just so you guys have a clear definition of rape, rape is any form of unwanted sexual behaviour that is imposed on someone. However, we also believe that rape is abuse of power rather than sexual attraction of the desire for sexual gratification.
Slide 5 - Nicole:
Our focus question on rape is ”How should rape be treated in the criminal justice system” (International comparison).
Slide 6&7 - Elise
Rape in the 21st century, the criminal justice system is still treated differently depending on which society you are apart of. For our assignment, we compared two different rape cases from different societies and compared the outcome of both. The two cases are: the Jill Meagher rape case in Melbourne, Australia and the Qatif rape case in Saudi Arabia. Throughout these cases we will explain what occurred, how it was dealt with and how each case could’ve been prevented.
Slide 8 – Victoria:
Before we discuss our two chosen cases, there is some background information that you should know. As most of you should know, adultery in Australia is not a criminal offence. Australians would instantly think that adultery is all about being physical with someone who is married or you are married. However in Saudi Arabia, adultery is a criminal offence. It is anything as little as a phone call from the opposite sex who is not your brother, husband, father or son. Vice versa for men.
Slide 9 - Elise:
Jill Meagher was a recently wedded employee of the ABC radio station. On a night out drinking with her co-workers, she found herself in a difficult situation where she struggles to carry herself back home. This led to her being followed by a stranger who raped her and killed her.

Five days after the disappearance of Jill Meagher, Adrian Ernest Bayley was questioned and arrested for the rape and murder of Jill Meagher. He was later found guilty and charged with life imprisonment with a non-parole period of 35 years. This is an example of retribution in the criminal justice system.

This event could’ve been prevented by Jill’s co-workers should have applied more pressure on her to get into the car instead of walking home. Adrian Bayley was previously convicted for the rape of his own children along with several other women; therefore the criminal justice system should have properly rehabilitated Adrian, which could have prevented him from striking again. Slide 10 – Nicole:
An unnamed married woman in Saudi Arabia, committed adultery with another