The process involves continuous assessments that focus on feedback and action planning. It is described as an action research with non-linear steps such as assessment and diagnosis of present situation in the organization, feedback from all stockholders, action planning that includes developing an implementation plan based on the assessment data, interventions, evaluation of actions done and results, and adoption of successful actions (Rouda & Kusy, 1995).
Some of the theories that have influenced the organizational development process are: Taylor's Scientific Management, Weber's Bureaucratic Theory, McGregor's Theory X vs. Theory Y and Likert's System 1-4. Taylor's Scientific Management and Weber's Bureaucratic theories are considered classical theories. Taylor's Scientific Management established a framework for the organization that had a clear delineation of authority, responsibility, separation of planning from operations, management by exception and task specialization (ACCEL-team, 2010). Weber's Bureaucratic theory is considered as too rigid and rule-oriented, dehumanizing and de-motivating. It establishes order where there is chaos, increases productivity by reducing inefficiencies and have defined specifications in its design. It is believed that it led to the development of humanistic theories like McGregor's Theory X vs. Theory Y and Likert's System 1-4.
McGregor's Theory X vs. Theory Y makes assumptions based on social science research. It looks for the potential in the individual and the organization to become more effective. Both