Organized Crime

Words: 710
Pages: 3

Organized crime takes on many faces and is no longer just the mafia. Today this includes scammers, trafficking, mobsters, Chinese tongs and enterprises. These groups aim to threaten peace and human security while violating human rights. Organized crime rings undermine all social, cultural, economic, political and civil developments around the world. All of these groups have a strong presence in our world as we know it and they are using technology and the internet against us. The impact of this crime is hard to measure, but it is considered to be significant from money to information. The vast sums of money involved results in high risks for those who are a part of the crimes. The money made also goes back into the crime rings syndicates further hurting the …show more content…
The government does not have to inform the public of any hacks to the system if personal information is not accessed. The United States and China are hacking into each other’s secured information all the time. With the recent successful attack from China, there were several government employees whose information was breached. The government is unsure of what information per say was taken to be used, but they are aware that the hackers were specifically looking for any employees with or gaining security clearance. Hackers being able to access such sensitive information is a scary thought. The system that was accessed held personal information, security clearance information, and even employee financial data. The government employees whose information was breached now have to worry about the possibility of stolen identities, stolen property and even their families becoming a part of this loss due to their information being included in the applications. This hack of the system is very alarming for the public, especially the government employees and their contacts that are in