Orthodontism Benefits

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Pages: 8

What Does a Smile Mean To You? “Transforming smiles one patient at a time through innovation, passion, and excellence” (Goldberg, Embrace Your Smile). Orthodontists have a remarkable amount of power in the world. Not only does this treatment provide the patient with a healthier smile, it has the potential of altering the appearance of the individual giving them a confident outlook on life. Enhancing these aspects of quality of life is an important motive for undergoing orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment may not change the universe, but it does have the power to change one person’s world. The study of orthodontics is very unique. Through medical terminology, an orthodontist can be defined as specializing in the straightening of …show more content…
Most significantly, orthodontists acquire benefits. “Orthodontists have social security contributions, 401K/403B plans, health-care, paid time off, bonuses, and pension” (Davenport, About Careers). It is hard to find a job in today’s business world that offers all of these rewards just for being employed. Another benefit orthodontists obtain is to call their own decisions. Becoming professionals adds the capability to choose what is best for their patients. The orthodontists themselves are the determining factor on how to solve any problems regarding the braces itself. Lastly, orthodontists receive benefits by giving their patients self-confidence with their teeth. Many individuals that undergo orthodontic treatment have misaligned teeth or other noticeable problems that need to be fixed. It is the responsibility of the specialist to fix that problem to allow the patient to smile without feeling judged. Dr. David Evans stated, “Everyone wants a perfect smile, and what I do is what makes the smile perfect” (Cosmetic Dentistry). Not all jobs are beneficial, but orthodontists have many honorable things that go along with their job