“I had my job and the gym and my boys and my novia and of course I had my slutties” (Diaz 172) It is very true that the book revolves around many scenarios in which sexual objectification takes place, however using this example can teach students of how wrong sexual objectification is, instead of avoiding the novel, real life issues and not being educated on important life issues. The youth of this generation is quick to change how society is formed. If the youth comes together and gets educated about the issues that are going on then society can have a much postive outlook. Throughout the novel Yunni does give the message that he sexaully objectifies girls, "Like two girls in one: the skinniest upper-body married to a pair of Cadillac hips and an ill donkey," (Diaz 168) However even though he seems to be misogynistic students can have open discussions on how to not be like him, on how to deal with people who have a mindset from Yunni. Most of the readers can in fact learn from the