Oskar Schindler Research Paper

Words: 1570
Pages: 7

Oskar Schindler was born April 28, 1908 in Svitavy, which was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Oskar’s parents were Johann Schindler and Francisca nee Luser, who were both born Germans from Silesia. Schindler also had a sister named Elfriede born 1915, which he was very close to. Having gone through several jobs including the family business dealing with farm machinery, he then became a manager of a driving school. Schindler first met Emilie Pelzl at her parents’ house while on a business trip with his father to sell electrical equipment to them. Emilie was born October 22, 1907 in Alt Moletein, in the area of Honeestadt, which is the northern part of Moravia 60 kilometers east of Svitavy. Both Pelzl and Schindler’s parents were against them seeing each other and three months later, on March 6, 1928, they got married. On the day of their wedding disaster struck leaving Schindler arrested and detained for rumors of bigamy. The police later released him after enquiries were satisfied. Schindler started his own business, running a poultry farm in the village of Ctyricetianu; the business was unable to make money so he decided to give up after 6 months. Later his quest to become wealthy landed him in Prague where he worked as a bank representative where he made between six and ten thousand crowns a month. Adolf Hitler was the appointed Chancellor of Germany …show more content…
There were more people during the Holocaust that went through a huge injustice and were over shadowed by the thousands who had perished. The lives of the survivors were touched by Schindler as well as their families who embrace a better life now. Never could it be said that Schindler was not a man who was touched by the countless number of inhumane deaths. A direct quote from the archives of Schindler’s Jews personal accounts of that