It is very important that Latino children have access to quality education because they are our future. As the Latino population continues to grow it is crucial to assure that quality education is given out for they will one day be the voice of not only Latino groups, but also all Americans. Educated Latino students are more likely to engage in political, societal and economic roles in the United States government, such as justice, peace, due process, and human rights. When these Latino youths become educated they are less likely to fall into the path of not having a high school diploma, living in poor conditions, getting in trouble with the law, and in general struggling through life. Making sure Latino students are educating will benefit all U.S. citizens in many ways, including saving money.There will be savings in public expenditures (ex. welfare, health care, law enforcement); an increase in tax revenues; and an increase in disposable income. Keeping children educated will keep them off the streets and instead having them take active roles in the future of our country. Having Latino leaders is something that can inspire other young people to succeed and feel apart of the change they can make. There needs to be more support and an effort to help keep children in school. They simply need the proper guidance and motivation or push to become successful. We can all benefit by being and having