Ottawa Charter Analysis

Words: 2037
Pages: 9

Sandra Peart

Health Promotion

The Aim of this assignment is to explain the influence of the Ottawa Charter

Upon health promotion policy, and the health promotion initiatives in the UK.



The Ottawa Charter's main focus was on what was expected in providing health promotion to the public.Their concern was to set a target for all organisations in every

Country to promote health.

In promoting good health a person has to assist people in taking control of their own lifestyle in order to improve their health. An individual have to recognise for themselves the need to be healthy.Health is an important part of peoples every day life,therefore it’s the responsibility of both the health organisations and the individuals to maintain
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A work programme have been put in place to offer support to those who need help

to get work. The Government wage incentives which was withdrawn on the 6 August 2014,

Has been replace with work experience , sector-based work academies, work trials and

Apprenticeships, this is available for young people and the unemployed.

The policy have allocated extra funding for a range of initiatives.

The Government also introduced a £1 billion youth contract in April 2012 for the young

and unemployed to get into work. The youth contract support businesses to offer the young and unemployed individuals a job where they can be trained and gain work experience.

It’s an opportunity for 18 to 24 year old to receive apprenticeships and voluntary work experience.

Another Government initiative was the supporting of disabled people with the help they need to find and keep their jobs, this is called ‘’Work Choice’’, and was introduced in October
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There is good evidence that socioeconomic position is a stronger determinant of health-related outcomes than race. Studies have shown that the effect of race/ethnicity on health tends to decline greatly when the socioeconomic position is controlled for and it may lead to the race effect disappearing. This leads us to the question of whether observed racial/ethnic inconsistency in health care are because race and ethnicity, race or ethnicity, socioeconomic position, or could it be a combination of both, or a yet unmeasured factor.The study of racial differences in health is driven by a genetic model that assumes that race is a valid biological category, that the genes that determine race are linked with the genes that determine health, and that the health of a community is determined mainly by biological