Copy and paste these questions in a word processor and type in your answers below these questions. Please share your current health and fitness status by answering all of the questions below. Ask for help from your parent(s) or guardian(s) if needed.
Personal Information
Name: Cole Hathcock
Age: 17
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 175lbs
Please answer using complete sentences.
1. What outdoor activities or hobbies do you enjoy?
Shooting Guns, Horseback riding, working on cars/trucks.
2. Why have you chosen to take Outdoor Education online?
I needed a p.e credit and thought this was a pretty cool way of doing it.
3. Write the pace you have selected to complete your course, and indicate your target completion date.
Fast Pace, Wish to have it done by the end ot the summer.
4. Share a funny or interesting story about yourself. Do you have a special talent? Have you traveled to a special place or met an interesting person?
I planned to go to washington D.C this summer for a week with FFA
Organization for a leadership conference.
5. What type of job do you dream of having one day?
My Dream job is to work for homeland security as “AntiCyber Terrorism and warfare.
Health Status
1. Do you have any medical issues that would limit your participation in any physical activity? If yes, write a detailed explanation of the medical issue and the specific activities in which you cannot participate.