Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs Research Paper

Words: 795
Pages: 4

Shawn Deherrera 4/2/2023 ADMJ 302 Gore.

Gang: The term gang generally refers to a group of individuals, typically adolescents or young adults, who associate closely and often engage in criminal activities together. A gang may have a defined leadership structure, common identifying signs or symbols, and specific territories or areas of operation. Legally, the definition of a gang can vary depending on jurisdiction, but it often involves a group engaged in criminal behavior. Street gang: A street gang is a group of individuals, often youths, who band together and engage in criminal activities within a particular neighborhood or community. These activities can include drug dealing, vandalism, theft, assault, and other illegal acts. Street gangs may have specific
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These gangs are typically formed by inmates for protection, control, and to further criminal activities both inside and outside of the prison system. Prison gangs often have strict hierarchies and rules, and they may exert significant influence over other inmates and prison operations. Biker gangs: Outlaw motorcycle gangs are organized groups of individuals who primarily use motorcycles for transportation and are involved in various criminal activities. These activities can include drug trafficking, arms trafficking, extortion, and violence. Outlaw motorcycle gangs often have a hierarchical structure, with chapters located in different regions or cities. They may also have specific insignia or patches that members wear to identify their affiliation with the gang. Sex Trafficking: Sex trafficking involves the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act is under the age of 18 years old. Sex trafficking is considered a form of human trafficking and is a serious criminal offense