Outline: Law and Lecture Essay

Submitted By statchanger1
Words: 2818
Pages: 12




DESCRIPTION: Welcome to Legal Framework. This unit serves as an introduction to important themes relevant to the legal framework of business – that is, the structure of laws within which business decisions are made. Included in the unit are discussions on historical legal issues, the institutions in the Australian legal system, the jurisdiction of the major courts and tribunals in Western Australia, the sources (statute and case law) and processes of law, the tort of Negligence, the nature of business organisations, the Law of Contract, and an introduction to consumer legislation.

The primary aims of the unit are to introduce students to the legal and business framework within which financial and associated decisions are made, and to foster an awareness and basic knowledge of legal issues to provide a solid foundation for further study in business. On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to: * discuss the key elements of the Australian legal system; * identify the important sources of law; * describe the essentials, operation and remedies of the law of Contract and Negligence; * understand the key features of business organisations, and the basic rights and liabilities of business proprietors; * explain the important aspects of State and Federal consumer legislation; and * apply the knowledge of the above legal topics in answering theoretical and problem type questions posed in the test, tutorials and in the final exam.


1. … The Australian Legal System;
2. … Sources of law, and Interpretation of Statutes;
3. … Negligence
4. … Business organizations: Companies, Partnerships and Sole Traders;
5. … Contract Law; and
6. … Competition and Consumer Law

Students attend one session per week with a two-hour lecture/seminar, one-hour tutorial and one-hour workshop. Lectures are used to introduce main concepts and to guide students through important points. Tutorials/workshops are used to assist students in the application of concepts presented in lectures through problem solving exercises and class discussions.

All unit material is provided electronically via the MyPIBT facility. The course schedule is provided in this plan for your reference. To assist students in assimilating the material presented in the lectures, a synopsis of the course and a set of detailed notes of the lecture material are provided electronically along with this plan. Model tutorial solutions are not provided, although tutorial discussions are available electronically from time to time during the trimester to guide and assist students. Students are expected to appropriately prepare for tutorials beforehand and take notes to augment and develop their prepared responses during class discussions for each of the questions. As lecture notes are available, students are directed to review, for at least an hour, the lecture material set for each week prior to attendance and come prepared to each lecture with, at the very least, a basic awareness of the material to be presented and discussed. Further, students are expected to apply themselves throughout the trimester in the study and revision of course material and in tutorial preparation at home for at least four hours per week (preferably more).

The following assessment criteria apply:

Assessment | Week due | Weighting | Tutorial participation | All | 10% | In class quiz’s (4 – 5% each) | 3, 5, 7, 9 | 20% | Mid Term Essay | 10 | 30% | Final Exam | 13 | 40% |

Students who have achieved an aggregate mark of 50% or greater will pass the unit. Students do not have to pass the exam to qualify for a pass in this unit, although it is expected that students will aim to comfortably pass the exam, at the very least, as a