Outsider's Essay: The Outsiders In Windrixville

Words: 398
Pages: 2

Outsider’s essay Need an essay, teacher? This is an essay about the outsider’s where I will be stating my opinion on this topic. My topic will be why I think Pony, Johnny, and Dally are all heroes for what they did in Windrixville. I don’t think they’re just hoodlums that have no life. I think they’re really good people for what they did in the book. Even though they aren’t real people. I think they are because think of all those children that would have died if they had not been there too save them. I mean sure Johnny wouldn’t have died but 1 life is better than like 10 little children dying in a church fire. Dally wouldn’t have died either though so I guess it was like a 80-20 thing. You can either save all the children, or have your best