2) Hydraulic fracturing is one of the reason earthquake occur in British Columbia. Hydraulic fracturing or …show more content…
In Newfoundland, fishing is a major human activity. There are many positive things like getting food. But there are many impacts on the environment like destruction of food webs. When fisher man kill fish, they kill predators or preys. This imbalance the food web because if there is less predators, preys can’t have enough food and can die. Another impact is overfishing, these day fishing very big. That means fishing happens a lot. The result of overfishing is having less fish every minute people fish, the population of fish is getting less. At one time in the future, fish will be very rare.
3) Fishing is Newfoundland’s major resource. They depend on fishing due to trading they do with fishery. There are lots of impacts on the environment. One impact is that there will be less fish due to overfishing. Another impact is that fishing disrupts food webs. This will cause more fish to die due to the less fish they have to eat.
4) Lots of people live in the east due to fishing. The climate is cold because it is near the water. The transportation for this area is mostly water transportation. Since fishing is big in Eastern Canada, jobs will be easy to find because fishing is a major thing.
5) This region was the most shocking in the population. In Newfoundland females live longer. What’s unique is that the population of males of age 90 and over is 915 and the population of females of age 90 and over is 2,341. The difference is 1426 between both gender. That is a huge